With a tropical climate suited to growing a variety of different crops, many Hondurans depend on agriculture as their main source of income.
Heifer International began working in Honduras in 1978, supporting rural families with dairy goats, poultry and sheep, along with animal wellbeing training and construction materials to build livestock shelters. Since then, we have partnered with international, national, and local organizations to support communities across the country to improve their livelihoods.
by our work.
By strengthening social capital in rural communities, we are helping local farming families become competitive in agricultural value chains and adapt to changes in the climate.
We work with farmers and rural entrepreneurs focused on beekeeping, basic grains, coffee, dairy and livestock production, and rural tourism. With our support, farmers are diversifying their businesses and incomes through agroecology, promoting self-sufficiency and better nutrition through education and training.
We provide training to farmers through a network of 87 farmer field schools, working with them to improve production and make their families food secure. Farmers learn leadership and management skills, and develop business plans. Our teams also help farmers access financing from local banks, which is vital for growing their businesses. This has enabled grain and dairy farmers - a third of whom are women - to more than double their yields.
The Lenca II project in the Lempira department, where poverty levels are highest, is supporting the development of micro-businesses to meet local demand for dairy and basic grains.
Through increases in productivity, developing new dairy products and raising hygiene standards, producers are building sustainable businesses and making significant progress towards closing the living income gap.
Heifer works with farmers to secure a living income so they can lead dignified and prosperous lives. Learn more about what achieving a living income entails.
AGROBOLSA Bolsa de Productos y Servicios, S.A.
APROCAFE Asociación de Productores de Café
Asociación de Ganaderos de Intibucá (AGADI)
Asociacion de Ganaderos de Olancho
Asociación Regional de Servicios Agropecuarios de Occidente (ARSAGRO)
BANRURAL Banco de Desarrollo Rural
CDE-MIPYME, Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial de la Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa
ComRural Proyecto Competitividad Rural
Cooperativa Apicola Pionera de Honduras Limitada (COAPIHL)
Cooperativa de Apicultores de Choluteca(COAPICH)
Coopertativas de Apicultores COMIXAMIEL
Cooperativa Cafetalera CAPUCAS
Cooperativa Fronteras de Oriente
Cooperativa Lauca
CONSUCOOP Consejo Nacional Supervisor de Cooperativas
COPECO Comisión Permanente de Convergencia
DICTA Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuaria
Proyecto EmprendeSur
ESMUSIALL Empresa de Servicios Múltiples de CIALES Lenca Limitada
Fundación Para El Desarrollo Empresarial Rural (FUNDER)
IHCAFE Instituto Hondureño del Café
IHMA Instituo Hondureño de Mercadeo Agrícola
IICA Instittuo Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura
INFOP Instituto Nacional de Frmación Profesional
Interamerican Development Bank
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Secretaria Mi Ambiente
PRO-LENCA Proyecto de Competitividad y Desarrollo Sostenible del Corredor Fronterizo Sur
SAG, Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadería
Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico
SENASA Servicio Nacional de Sanidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria
SEDUCA Servicio de Educación Agrícola, Capacitación y Desarrollo Agroempresarial
Sirolli Institute
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)
Universidad Nacional de Agricultura (UNAG)
UNDP United National Development Programme
Walmart Foundation
World Food Programme
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture