Our Work


Woman walking in a field with cows.

Heifer International supports smallholder farmers to sustainably address hunger and poverty in their communities while caring for the Earth. We apply a food systems approach to helping farmers earn more income and to generate economic opportunity for rural women, youth and Indigenous populations.

Countries in which Heifer is currently operating
1 M+
active participant households in Heifer programs
$ 76 M
total sales by Heifer-supported agricultural enterprises in 2024
9 M
people trained by Heifer since 2012
67 %
of Heifer program participants in 2024 were women
52 M
households assisted since 1944

Our Focus Areas

Heifer’s work focuses on farmer-centered solutions that foster more productive, inclusive and sustainable food systems and more resilient rural communities.

Value Chains Supported



Beef Cattle

Coffee & Cacao





Fruits & Vegetables

Grains & Cereals







Small Ruminants



Our Approach

Heifer’s model is locally led, built on close collaboration with communities and key stakeholders to catalyze sustainable, scalable impact.


Community Development

We work with farming communities to establish strong social capital, building the foundation for program success.


Capacity Strengthening

We provide technical and business training to support farmers and cooperatives as they develop viable agribusinesses.


Connection to Markets

We facilitate new formal market avenues for farmers to profit and to drive economic growth in rural communities.



We work with strategic partners at all levels to connect farmers to opportunity and achieve sustainable impact at scale.

Innovating for Scale and Impact

Our approach includes utilizing innovative strategies to help farmers and value chain partners accelerate agricultural productivity and participation in markets.

Leveraging Impact

Heifer leverages third-party investments to extend program dollars and generate impact at scale.

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Harnessing Technology

Heifer invests in and deploys appropriate and accessible technologies with potential to transform smallholder farming systems.

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Where We Work

Overcoming hunger and poverty takes a global village. That’s why we work alongside partners and farming families in 19 countries around the world.

Placeholder Image

Choose a country to learn more:

Placeholder Image
Bangladesh women sell crops at market


We support women farmers to increase production, earn more from their products and unlock opportunity.

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Map of malawi projects, highlighting regions of Thyolo and Lilongwe as active project regions, and Mchinji, Dowa and Kasungu as past project locations.


We help farmers build profitable agribusinesses to earn income, overcome poverty and feed their families.  

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Our Programs

Our work is organized into signature programs that are focused on large-scale, measurable and sustainable impact achieved by building partnerships at all levels, including community organizations, farmer cooperatives, local and national governments, businesses and international funding institutions. Each program supports farmers through time-bound projects designed to increase their household income.

See All Signature Programs