Heifer provides a variety of partnership opportunities with businesses of all sizes.
Engage with customers and promote your brand through customer giving, profit donations, sponsorships, and more.
Drive social impact, champion environmental stewardship, and live out your company’s values for lasting change.
Advance your ESG goals through partnerships that engage your core business and result in shared value for smallholder famers.
Unite employees, engage communities, and elevate your brand through single initiatives or annual programs.
Interested in giving your customers an impactful shopping experience to give back to their favorite charity? Heifer International partners with many third-party platforms, like ShoppingGives, that powers thousands of brands like yours who care about socially conscious shopping experiences for your customers. Join us today and make it easy for your customers to give back when shopping your brand!
The Kraft Heinz Foundation has partnered with Heifer International for the last three years to increase access to healthy food. Working to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way, Heifer International partners with farmers and their communities, providing agricultural inputs and training, while also investing in farmer-focused infrastructure and market system development.
The John Deere Foundation supports Heifer Mexico’s Milpa for Life project to help small-scale farming families in Campeche and Yucatán increase their incomes, crop productivity and sustainably managed land. Our partnership aligns with the company’s Citizenship Strategy and commitment to serving farmers to bolster their capacity to make a living, feed a growing global population, reduce inequality, and protect the world.
Heifer partners with Cargill to improve smallholder farmer income which helps Heifer achieve our mission and enables Cargill to achieve their ESG and business objectives. Heifer and Cargill jointly developed and co-lead the Hatching Hope Global Initiative with a goal to improve economic livelihoods and nutrition of 100 million people by 2030.
Looking to engage your employees while supporting Heifer’s impactful work? Try Honey Harvest, one of our Heifer International Employee Engagement Programs hosted by WeHero. Join other companies in offering a hands-on, immersive volunteer and educational experience for your employees.
Help us connect you with the right person on our partnerships team by filling out the form below.