Elizabeth Magombo-Kabaghe

Manager of Resources and Learning

Elizabeth is an agricultural economist passionate about contributing to the growth and development of rural economies in emerging countries by empowering smallholder farmers and agricultural workers to increase the significance of their contributions to their livelihoods and economies. She has 10+ years of experience in development work. Throughout her career, she has built collaborative initiatives that promote holistic approaches and alternative business models for the benefit of the rural poor.

She currently works in Heifer Labs, which leads in the uptake and scaling of innovations to accelerate Heifer's mission to support 10 million families in achieving sustainable living incomes by 2030. She designs projects that test technologies and initiatives to provide a leap for sustainably eradicating hunger and poverty. In her other roles, Elizabeth's work has focused on leading in the uptake and scaling of innovations and technologies as the leap for sustainably addressing hunger and poverty. She has also coordinated multi-stakeholder platforms to foster a market systems approach in addressing agricultural value chain bottlenecks for the benefit of smallholder farmers.

She holds a Master of Science Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Malawi and was awarded the fellowship of the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (2014-2016). Elizabeth is a Commonwealth Commission fellow studying for a Master of Science Degree in Information Management Systems at the University of Manchester.