Since it started to affect the lives of people across the world, we have been closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19. The virus has been confirmed in all 21 countries where we work.
Despite quarantines, travel bans, and other measures taken to stop the spread of the virus, the impact on our work has been minimal. We have instructed our country teams to work with project families and their communities to share information and manage the potential impacts of the virus. As the situation develops, we will work diligently to ensure the families we work with can continue to end hunger and poverty in their communities.
We know this is a rapidly changing situation. Each country team is implementing response plans or putting those plans in place as the need arises.
We remain committed to the safety and well-being of our staff and project participants during this difficult time.
We also pledge to keep our supporters informed moving forward. Though we do not know what the coming hours, days and weeks may bring, we do know your support allows us to continue our work.
Thank you for ensuring we are able to feed more, empower more and do more for people around the world.