In this interview with a Korean dairy farmer, he reflects on receiving livestock from Heifer during the Korean War and later contributing to a...
Heifer believes livestock has a really important role to play in ending global hunger and poverty. Here are 5 reasons why.
In Nepal, Kamala is proving that waste can serve as a lifeline. See how she’s created a self-sustaining ecosystem that keeps her family nourished...
With help from Heifer, Babilata and her husband Sanjay launched a series of businesses and ignited the entrepreneurial spirit of their rural...
Bees are a key part of the ecosystem at the Heifer Ranch Center for Regenerative Agriculture – and beyond.
We’re shining a light on six animal health care providers and agrovet shops that have made a huge impact in their communities.
For many of the world’s 500 million smallholder farmers, cows are a lifeline out of poverty. But these incredible creatures are also key to...
Through training and collective business, buffalo farmer Rilli Maya Rai is at the helm of a thriving farm ecosystem in Nepal, building a future...
Nourished families depend on nourished farms. In southwestern Nepal, one woman’s mulberry fodder business is keeping livestock healthy and...
The health and safety of livestock impacts the economic and nutritional security of smallholder farmers. Heifer experts share four simple farm and...