What Does Women's Empowerment Even Mean?

By Heifer International

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: May 9, 2018

What Does Women's Empowerment Even Mean?

We talk about women's empowerment a lot. What does that term mean? It means something different for every person, but here are some perspectives from around the world from Heifer staffers on what women's empowerment means to us.

Anahit Ghazanchyan, Armenia: For me, women's empowerment is: In first place, it is freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of making decisions, freedom to be inspired and to live [a] full life. To be happy. Freedom to be happy. 

Saphinia Sannon, Haiti: Women's empowerment is when women do not leave all the responsibility of the house in the control of men. But they share it. Especially the expenses. Women, you are beautiful, intelligent, wise, kind and above all: you have wings. You must learn fly [with] your own wings.

Ivania Lovo, Nicaragua: For me, women's empowerment is a feeling; a feeling of freedom, an appropriate feeling that has no borders, has no limits; and means being able to do, to make things happen, to dream, to act, to be able to challenge oneself and achieve it. 

Nimisha Bhagawaty, India: When she has freedom to exercise her choices, and an assurance that her voice will always be heard. 

Alfredo Garcia, Peru: As long as there is inequality and discrimination against women, it will be necessary to continue fighting and supporting efforts to create the conditions and opportunities for gender equality. And that goes to promote women's empowerment. 

Beatriz Pozo, Honduras: For me, women's empowerment means that women have to power to fight for spaces of equality to be able to work in a job under equal conditions. Of course, without ignoring the physical differences and the differences in requirement that each gender has. 

Angie Ahuyon, USA: To me, women's empowerment is a woman who is not afraid, who believes in herself and doesn't back down from a challenge.

Ipshita Habib, Bangladesh: Women's empowerment is the enabling environment where a woman can raise her voice, make her own decisions and choose the life she wants to lead.

Tiffany Terry, USA: Women's empowerment is about us realizing that we are more than our gender and that every voice deserves to be heard.

What does women's empowerment mean to you? Let us know on Twitter @Heifer or on Facebook