Nearly 40 Heifer International project families and some of their animals were moved to higher ground near main roads in Prey Veng province, Cambodia, Wednesday as flood waters there continue to rise, Heifer Cambodia Country Director Keo Keang said.
Keang said that while waters are stabilizing in Siem Reap and Banthey Meanchey provinces where Heifer also serves small scale farming families, the situation continues to worsen in Prey Veng. Heifer Cambodia is seeking food, shelter and medicines for the families affected by the floods. Heifer International is also looking into providing emergency relief to the affected families.
Keang said staff is carefully monitoring the waters and is paying special attention to whether Thailand will open their water channels, which could send more water into Cambodia. If that happens conditions will worsen, she said.
Keang informed Heifer International headquaters Tuesday that the flooding was reaching "alarming levels." So far all Heifer families are safe, though many rice farms are damanged and some families have lost their animals. Heifer International is working with Heifer Cambodia to monitor the situation, and Heifer Cambodia is working with other NGOs (World Food Program of the UN, National NGO Network) to provide assistance to flood affected families.
Although Heifer International is not a traditional first-responder, its Disaster Rehabilitation Fund, through the support of generous donors, helps the vulnerable communities that Heifer serves to recuperate after natural disasters that temporarily overwhelm our development efforts. Contributions to the fund will help project communities meet their immediate needs and resume their path toward self-reliance.